Mahler - 150th Anniversary Box [16 CD] (2010)

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Купить альбом Mahler - 150th Anniversary Box [16 CD] на компакт-диске от лейбла EMI Classics по цене 6049 рублей можно в нашем интернет-магазине. Мы постарались собрать для вас всю информацию об этом издании: характеристики, фрагменты, фото обложек, треклист, описание и аналоги.

Краткое описание:

Тысячелетний композитор" - Полное собрание сочинений Малера к 150-летию со дня рождения
"Симфония означает построение мира с использованием всех средств существующей технологии" Эти слова Густава Малера описывают огромные требования, которые он предъявлял к своей музыке: его симфонии - это звуковые миры с изображениями природы в формате Cinemascope, апокалиптические сцены, сцены мечтательного восторга и драмы души. К 150-летию со дня его рождения компания EMI Classics выпускает полное собрание записей Малера с легендарными записями на 16 компакт-дисках.

Описание релиза:
GUSTAV MAHLER (1860-1911)

Born 7th July 1860 - Kaliste, Bohemia-Moravia, Czech Republic

Died 18th May 1911 - Vienna, Austria


Gustav Mahler was not only a great composer but a fine conductor who influenced his successors in both fields; indeed his appeal to subsequent generations has been extensive and wide – Zemlinsky, Schönberg, Berg and Webern in Austria, Shostakovitch in Russia, Britten in Britain and Copland in America are just a few to acknowledge their debt.

EMI Classics commemorates the 150th anniversary of Gustav Mahler’s birth with the release of two specially priced editions drawn from its legendary archives; a 16CD Complete Works boxed set and a 2CD compilation of Mahler Adagios.

In the last half of the 20th century Gustav Mahler came to hold a dominant position in the consciousness of musicians and audiences. Though he died in 1911, he captures the anxieties and aspirations of the modern age in symphonies and songs which, while utterly personal in expression, strike a universal chord. EMI’s critically acclaimed recordings, made between 1949 and 2010, feature some of the greatest Mahler conductors, singers and orchestras. With three songs newly recorded by Ian Bostridge and Antonio Pappano, this set offers a complete portrait of a man who speaks to us now as urgently as he has ever done.

The songs recently recorded by Ian Bostridge and Antonio Pappano complement performances by such legendary singers as Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Christa Ludwig, Kathleen Ferrier, Janet Baker, Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, Dame Margaret Price, Thomas Hampson and Brigitte Fassbaender, among others. The 10 symphonies are represented in acclaimed recordings by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra with Carlo Maria Giulini, the Philharmonia and New Philharmonia orchestras with Otto Klemperer, the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra with Simon Rattle, the London Philharmonic Orchestra with Jascha Horenstein and Klaus Tennstedt, the New Philharmonia Orchestra with Sir John Barbirolli; the Berliner Philharmoniker with Simon Rattle perform the Deryck Cooke completion of the 10th symphony. Christa Ludwig, Fritz Wunderlich and Otto Klemperer are featured in Das Lied von der Erde.

The 16th CD contains a fascinating bonus programme featuring the 5 Rückert Lieder performed by Thomas Hampson and pianist Wolfram Rieger, followed by seven versions of the fifth song, Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen, performed by Janet Baker, Christa Ludwig (with both piano and orchestra), Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Thomas Allen, Brigitte Fassbaender and Katarina Karnéus. The disc ends with a magical rendition of the uplifting Urlicht in an alternative version for voice and piano with Alice Coote and Julius Drake.

Expressing the hopes and fears of our age, the music of Gustav Mahler has gained a powerful hold over music-lovers everywhere. His genius achieved a new level of appreciation with Luchino Visconti’s 1971 film, Death in Venice and its soundtrack of the sublime Adagietto from Symphony No 5. The 2CD Mahler Adagios set brings together the Adagietto and other contemplative slow movements from Mahler’s symphonies interpreted by legendary orchestras and master conductors.

2010 also marks the 30th anniversary of Sir Simon Rattle's exclusive relationship with EMI Classics, a period during which he has recorded more than 250 works. Among the CDs EMI will release in September 2010 for the Rattle/EMI anniversary is his Mahler Symphony No. 8 ‘Symphony of a Thousand’ with the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra and Chorus from 2005. And Mahler has a special relevance in the conductor’s life: “I grew up in Liverpool which was, amazingly enough, the scene of the first ever European Mahler cycle performed by one conductor and orchestra with Sir Charles Groves and the Liverpool Philharmonic. The performance I went to, aged 11 or 12, of the Second Symphony in Liverpool was the conversion, the journey to Damascus, the moment that I decided to become a conductor. The music has been part of my family for as long as I was a thinking, musical being.”

BBC Music Magazine wrote of his recording of Symphony No. 8 with the CBSO: “Rattle has inspired all concerned to an achievement which joins his ground-breaking readings of the Third, Seventh and Tenth Symphonies in the Mahlerian heaven.”

During 2010 and 2011, numerous Mahler celebrations will take place around the world, including a song recital by Thomas Hampson on the composer’s birthday, 7 July, 2010, in Kalište, Czech Republic and festivals in the US, Austria, Italy, the Czech Republic and Germany.

GUSTAV MAHLER (1860 – 1911) - A Short Biography

Gustav Mahler was born on 7th July 1860 in Kalischt (now Kalištĕ), a small village in the Royal Province of Bohemia, then part of the Austrian Empire, the second child of a Jewish family in which seven of fourteen children died in infancy. Gustav’s childhood was spent in the local town of Iglau (now Jihlava) where the family moved not long after his birth. Noticing his talent early his parents arranged piano lessons for him when he was six.

At 15 Mahler was admitted to the Vienna Conservatoire to study harmony and composition as well as piano. Three years later he attended Anton Bruckner’s lectures at Vienna University. It was during this period that the two surviving works from his teenage years were composed: The movement for Piano Quartet (1876?-1878?) and Das klagende Lied, which was submitted for a competition in 1880 in which the jury was led by Brahms, but failed to win a prize. Over the next few years Mahler revised the latter work and wrote a number of songs but he was obtaining more work as a conductor than as a composer, and at successively larger opera houses. In Leipzig he made such a success with parts of Der Ring des Nibelungen when Arthur Nikisch fell ill that both critics and public alike sang his praises. In 1888, he became music director of the opera in Budapest for three years; the following year the city hosted the premiere of his first symphony, then in five movements. Hamburg was next to secure his services from 1891 to 1897, during which time he revised the first, wrote the second and sketched the third symphony. These three together with the fourth are sometimes referred to as the “Wunderhorn” symphonies owing to their use of or containing influences of the songs which appear in Des Knaben Wunderhorn (The Youth’s Magic Horn).

He was then offered the most prestigious post in music in the Austrian Empire, that of Director of the Vienna State Opera. Mahler, who had never been a devout Jew, converted to Roman Catholicism in preparation for the appointment. He had sung in a Catholic choir as a boy and would later set the hymn Veni Creator Spiritus as the first part of his eighth symphony.
In March 1902 he married Alma Schindler, twenty years his junior, who gave birth to their two daughters. His work at this time was spent on three symphonies and songs set to poems by Friedrich Rückert. It was alas all too prophetic to compose songs on deaths of children, Kindertotenlieder, when you have two young children as his first daughter died of diphtheria at the age of four – thought to be represented by the first of two hammer-blows in the last movement of his sixth and most bleakly tragic symphony. The songs are bound up musically with these symphonies especially the fifth which contains the famous Adagietto. The second hammer-blow is thought to refer either to the diagnosis of his heart disease or to his resignation from the opera caused by obstinacy in artistic matters leading to increasingly nasty anti-semitic attacks; there was a third – for his own death? – but this was removed in the revisions. He needed to get away from Europe and luckily a generous offer from the Metropolitan Opera gave him the 1908 season in America, but then he was replaced by Toscanini. Back in Europe his marriage was collapsing because of Alma’s infidelity. These were the days of the completion of Das Lied von der Erde and the ninth symphony but such was Mahler’s fixation of the ninth (Beethoven’s last symphony – also for Bruckner and Dvoøák) that he regarded Das Lied as a symphony with voices and therefore the next one would be the tenth! He began yet another one but left it incomplete and performing versions have been written by various composers.

Some people criticise Mahler for being so preoccupied with death but, in reality, he was really full of life. His symphonies should, he said, “take in the whole world”. It cannot be denied that the music he wrote for the “final departure” is so achingly beautiful and heartfelt that one should just listen and be moved, hopefully, to tears as he no doubt was as he penned the final notes. According to Alma his last word was “Mozartl” (a diminutive, corresponding to ‘dear little Mozart’). He is buried in Grinzing Cemetery outside Vienna.
Mahler’s influences on subsequent generations have been extensive and wide – Zemlinsky, Schoenberg, Berg and Webern in Austria, Shostakovich in Russia, Britten in Britain and Copland in America are just a few to acknowledge their debt.



CD 1

Das Klagende Lied (1878-80, rev. 1892-3 & 1898-9)

[ 1] I. Waldmärchen 28.31

[ 2] II. Der Spielmann 17.35

[ 3] III. Hochzeitsstück 18.57

Helena Döse, soprano ▪ Alfreda Hodgson, mezzo-soprano

Robert Tear, tenor ▪ Sean Rea, bass

CBSO Chorus (chorus master: Simon Halsey)

City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra

conducted by Sir Simon Rattle

Recorded: 12 & 13.X.1983 and 24.VI.1984; Town Hall, Birmingham

Producer: John Willan

Balance engineer: Michael Sheady

(P) 1985 EMI Records Ltd. STEREO/DDD

Piano Quartet in A minor (incomplete: 1876-8)

[ 4] I. Nicht zu schnell 11.21


Susan Tomes, piano ▪ Krysia Osostowicz, violin

Timothy Boulton, viola ▪ Richard Lester, cello

Recorded: IV.1988, St. Barnabas’ Church. Woodside Park, London

Producer: Andrew Keener

Balance engineer: Mike Hatch

(P) 1988 Virgin Classics Ltd. STEREO/DDD

This compilation (P) 2010 by EMI Records Ltd. © EMI Records Ltd. 2010

TOTAL DURATION (approx) 76.40

CD 2

Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen (Mahler) (Dec. 1884-5, rev. ?1891-6)

[ 1] I. Wenn mein Schatz Hochzeit macht 4.15

[ 2] II. Ging heut morgen übers Feld 4.46

[ 3] III. Ich hab’ ein glühend Messer 3.29

[ 4] IV. Die zwei blauen Augen von meinem Schatz 5.40

Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, baritone

Philharmonia Orchestra

conducted by Wilhelm Furtwängler

Recorded: 24 & 25.VI.1952, Kingsway Hall, London

Producer: Lawrance Collingwood

Balance engineer: Douglas Larter

(P) 1955 EMI Records Ltd. MONO/ADD

Digital remastering (P) 2001 by EMI Records Ltd.

Symphony No. 1 in D major (1884-8, rev. 1893-6)

[ 5] I. Langsam, schleppend, wie ein Naturlaut 16.49

[ 6] II. Kräftig bewegt, doch nicht zu schnell 8.00

[ 7] III. Feierlich und gemessen, ohne zu schleppen – 11.23

[ 8] IV. Stürmisch bewegt 20.47

Chicago Symphony Orchestra

conducted by Carlo Maria Giulini

Recorded: 30.III.1971, Medinah Temple, Chicago

Producer: Christopher Bishop

Balance engineer: Carson Taylor

(P) 1971 EMI Records Ltd. STEREO/ADD

Digital remastering (P) 2004 by EMI Records Ltd.

This compilation (P) 2010 by EMI Records Ltd. © EMI Records Ltd. 2010

TOTAL DURATION (approx) 75.30

CD 3

Symphony No. 2 in C minor (1888-94, rev. 1903) “Resurrection”

[ 1] I. Allegro maestoso

(Mit durchaus ernstem und feierlichem Ausdruck) 19.03

[ 2] II. Andante moderato (Sehr gemächlich) 10.30

[ 3] III. In ruhig fliessender Bewegung 11.40

[ 4] IV. “Urlicht” (Sehr feierlich, aber schlicht) 4.01

Text from “Des Knaben Wunderhorn”

[ 5] V. In tempo des Scherzos. Wild herausfahrend – 6.57

[ 6] Wieder sehr breit – 2.58

[ 7] Ritardando…Maestoso – 5.03

[ 8] Wieder zurückhaltend – 6.25

[ 9] Langsam. Misterioso – 5.38

[10] Etwas bewegter – 3.05

[11] Mit Aufschwung aber nicht eilen 4.00

Text by Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock & Mahler

Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, soprano ▪ Hilde Rössl-Majdan, mezzo-soprano

Philharmonia Chorus (chorus master: Wilhelm Pitz)

Philharmonia Orchestra

conducted by Otto Klemperer

Recorded: 22 – 24.XI.1961 & 15, 24.III.1962, Kingsway Hall, London

Producer: Walter Legge, Walter Jellinek & Suvi Raj Grubb

Balance engineer: Douglas Larter, Robert Gooch & Francis Dillnutt

(P) 1963 EMI Records Ltd. STEREO/ADD

Digital remastering (P) 2000 by EMI Records Ltd.

CD 4

Lieder (1879-83)

[ 1] 1. Im Lenz (Mahler) 2.59

[ 2] 2. Winterlied (Mahler) 2.57

[ 3] 3. Maitanz im Grünen (Mahler) 1.45

Ian Bostridge, tenor

Antonio Pappano, piano

Recorded: 19.II.2010, St. Jude-on-the-Hill, Hampstead, London

Producer: John Fraser

Balance engineer: Philip Hobbs

Editor: Julia Thomas

(P) 2010 EMI Records Ltd. STEREO/DDD

Lieder und Gesänge

i (1880-7)

[ 4] 1. Frülingsmorgen (Leander) 1.50

[ 5] 2. Erinnerung (Leander) 2.58

[ 6] 3. Hans und Grete (Mahler) 2.02

[ 7] 4. Serenade aus Don Juan (Tirso de Molina, trans. Braunfels) 1.38

[ 8] 5. Phantasie aus Don Juan (Tirso de Molina, trans. Braunfels) 2.16

ii (from Brentano and Armin: Des Knaben Wunderhorn, 1887-90)

[ 9] 1. Um schlimme Kinder artig zu machen 1.38

[10] 2. Ich ging mit Lust durch einen grünen Wald 4.25

[11] 3. Aus! Aus! 1.56

[12] 4. Starke Einbildungskraft 0.58

iii (from Brentano and Armin: Des Knaben Wunderhorn, 1887-90)

[13] 1. Zu Strassburg auf der Schanz’ 3.52

[14] 2. Ablösung im Sommer 1.46

[15] 3. Scheiden und Meiden 2.15

[16] 4. Nicht wiedersehen 4.48

[17] 5. Selbstgefühl 1.53

Christa Ludwig, mezzo-soprano

Gerald Moore, piano

Recorded: 1, 3 – 5.V.1959, No. 1, Abbey Road Studios, London

Producer: Walter Legge & Walter Jellinek

Balance engineer: Harold Davidson

(P) 1960 EMI Records Ltd. STEREO/ADD

Digital remastering (P) 1991 by EMI Records Ltd.

Katarina Karnéus, mezzo-soprano

Roger Vignoles, piano

Recorded: 7 – 9.VII.1998, St. Michael’s Church, Highgate, London

Producer: Simon Kiln

Balance engineer: Arne Akselberg

(P) 1999 EMI Records Ltd. STEREO/DDD

Brigitte Fassbaender, mezzo-soprano

Irwin Gage, piano

Recorded: 24 – 26.X.1979 & 11 – 14.III.1980, Gemeindehaus, Berlin-Zehlendorf

Producer: Christfried Bickenbach

Balance engineer: Wolfgang Gülich

(P) 1981 EMI Music Germany STEREO/ADD

Digital remastering (P) 2005 by EMI Music Germany

Alice Coote, mezzo-soprano

Julius Drake, piano

Recorded: 19 – 21.XII.2002, Potton Hall, Suffolk

Producer: Simon Kiln

Balance engineer: Jonathan Allen

(P) 2003 EMI Records Ltd. STEREO/DDD

Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, baritone

Daniel Barenboim, piano

Recorded: 5 – 10.II.1978, Siemensvilla, Berlin

Producer: Suvi Raj Grubb

Balance engineer: Johann-Nikolaus Matthes & Michael Sheady

(P) 1980 EMI Records Ltd. STEREO/ADD

Digital remastering (P) 2005 by EMI Records Ltd.


Symphony No. 3 in D minor (1893-6, rev. 1906)

Erste Abteilung

[18] I. Kräftig. Entschieden 33.36

Philip Harrison, trombone

5 56657 2, CD 1 [1]

This compilation (P) 2010 by EMI Records Ltd. © EMI Records Ltd. 2010

TOTAL DURATION (approx) 76.40

CD 5

Symphony No. 3 in D minor (1893-6, rev. 1906)

Zweite Abteilung

[ 1] II. Tempo di Menuetto. Sehr mäßig 10.21

[ 2] III. Comodo. Scherzando. Ohne Hast 16.53

Jonathan Quirk, posthorn

5 56657 2, CD 1 [2] & [3]

[ 3] IV. Sehr langsam. Misterioso. Durchaus ppp 9.24

Text by Friedrich Nietzsche

[ 4] V. Lustig im Tempo und keck im Ausdruck 3.57

Text from “Des Knaben Wunderhorn”

[ 5] VI. Langsam. Ruhevoll. Empfunden 22.22

5 56657 2, CD 2 [1] – [3]

Birgit Remmert, contralto

City of Birmingham Symphony Youth Chorus

Ladies of the City of Birmingham Symphony Chorus (chorus master: Simon Halsey)

City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra

conducted by Sir Simon Rattle

Recorded: 5 – 7.X.1997, Symphony Hall, Birmingham

Producer: David R. Murray

Assistant Producer: Mark Howells

Balance engineer: Mike Clements

(P) 1998 EMI Records Ltd. STEREO/DDD

Blumine (originally planned for Symphony No. 1, discarded 1906)

[ 6] . (Andante) GB-AYC-08-02838 7.22

2 16576 2 [3]

Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra

conducted by Paavo Järvi

Co-production with Hessischer Rundfunk (Frankfurt Radio)

Recorded: V.2007, hr-Sendesaal, Frankfurt

Producer: Christoph Claßen

Balance engineer: Rüdiger Orth

(P) 2009 EMI Records Ltd./Virgin Classics STEREO/DDD

This compilation (P) 2010 by EMI Records Ltd. © EMI Records Ltd. 2010

TOTAL DURATION (approx) 70.30

CD 6

Symphony No. 4 in G major (1892, 1899-1900, rev. 1901-10)

[ 1] I. Heiter, bedächtig. Nicht eilen 17.58

[ 2] II. In gemächlicher Bewegung. Ohne Hast 11.28

[ 3] III. Ruhevoll 19.59

[ 4] IV. Sehr behaglich 9.45

Text from “Des Knaben Wunderhorn”

Dame Margaret Price, soprano

London Philharmonic Orchestra

conducted by Jascha Horenstein

Recorded: 23 & 24.XI.1970, Barking Town Hall, London

Producer & Balance engineer: John Boyden

(P) 1971 EMI Records Ltd. STEREO/ADD

Digital remastering (P) 1983 by EMI Records Ltd.

CD 7

Symphony No. 5 in C sharp minor (1901-2, scoring repeatedly revised)

[ 1] I. Trauermarsch

(In gemessenem Schritt – Streng – Wie ein Kondukt) 13.38

[ 2] II. Stürmisch bewegt, mit grösster Vehemenz 15.25

[ 3] III. Scherzo: Kräftig, nicht zu schnell 18.06

[ 4] IV. Adagietto (Sehr langsam) 11.21

[ 5] V. Rondo – Finale: Allegro 14.52

The London Philharmonic

conducted by Klaus Tennstedt

Recorded LIVE: 13.XII.1988, Royal Festival Hall, London

Producer: John Willan

Balance engineer: Graham Haines

(P) 1989 EMI Records Ltd. STEREO/DDD

CD 8

Kindertotenlieder (Rückert) (1901-4)

[ 1] Nun will die Sonn’ so hell aufgeh’n 4.49

[ 2] Nun she’ ich wohl, warum so dunkle Flammen 4.37

[ 3] Wenn dein Mütterlein tritt zur Tür herein 4.30

[ 4] Oft denk’ ich, sie sind nur ausgegangen! 2.53

[ 5] In diesem Wetter, in diesem Braus 6.22

Kathleen Ferrier, contralto

Wiener Philharmoniker

conducted by Bruno Walter

Recorded: 4.X.1949, Kingsway Hall, London

Producer: Walter Legge

Balance engineer: Douglas Larter

(P) 1952 EMI Records Ltd. MONO/ADD

Digital remastering (P) 1998 by EMI Records Ltd.

5 Rückert-Lieder (1901-2)

[ 6] Blicke mir nicht in die Lieder! 1.37

[ 7] Ich atmet’ einen linden Duft! 2.42

[ 8] Um Mitternacht 5.55

[ 9] Liebst du um Schönheit (orch. Max Puttmann) 2.27

[10] Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen 6.46

Janet Baker, mezzo-soprano

New Philharmonia Orchestra

conducted by Sir John Barbirolli

Recorded: 17 & 18.VII.1969, Watford Town Hall

Producer: Ronald Kinloch Anderson

Balance engineer: Stuart Eltham

(P) 1970 EMI Records Ltd. STEREO/ADD

Digital remastering (P) 1999 by EMI Records Ltd.

Symphony No. 6 in A minor (1903-4, rev. 1906, scoring repeatedly rev.)

[11] I. Allegro energico, ma non troppo. Heftig , aber markig 21.19

New Philharmonia Orchestra

conducted by Sir John Barbirolli

Recorded: 17 – 19.VIII.1967, Kingsway Hall, London

Producer: Ronald Kinloch Anderson

Balance engineer: Peter Bown

(P) 1968 EMI Records Ltd. STEREO/ADD

Digital remastering (P) 1996 by EMI Records Ltd.

This compilation (P) 2010 by EMI Records Ltd. © EMI Records Ltd. 2010

TOTAL DURATION (approx) 65.00

CD 9

Symphony No. 6 in A minor (1903-4, rev. 1906, scoring repeatedly rev.)

[ 1] II. Andante moderato 16.03

[ 2] III. Scherzo: Wuchtig 13.59

[ 3] IV. Finale: Allegro moderato 32.47

New Philharmonia Orchestra

conducted by Sir John Barbirolli

Recorded: 17 – 19.VIII.1967, Kingsway Hall, London

Producer: Ronald Kinloch Anderson

Balance engineer: Peter Bown

(P) 1968 EMI Records Ltd. STEREO/ADD

Digital remastering (P) 1996 by EMI Records Ltd.

CD 10

Symphony No. 7 (1904-5, scoring repeatedly rev.)

[ 1] I. Langsam – Allegro risoluto, ma non troppo 22.06

[ 2] II. Nachtmusik I: Allegro moderato 14.40

[ 3] III. Scherzo: Schattenhaft 10.15

[ 4] IV. Nachtmusik II: Andante amoroso 12.19

[ 5] V. Rondo – Finale: Tempo I: Allegro ordinario –

Tempo II: Allegro moderato ma energico 17.49

City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra

conducted by Sir Simon Rattle

Recorded LIVE: 21 & 22.VI.1991, Snape Concert Hall, Snape (1991 Aldeburgh Festival)

Producer: David R. Murray

Balance engineer: Mike Clements

Assistant Engineer (recording): Mike Hatch

Assistant Engineer (mixing): Chris Ludwinski

Technical Engineer: Andy Beer

(P) 1992 EMI Records Ltd. STEREO/DDD

CD 11

Lieder aus “Des Knaben Wunderhorn” (Brentano & Armin) (1892-1901)

[ 1] I. Revelge b 7.12

[ 2] II. Das irdische Leben a 2.45

[ 3] III. Verlor’ne Müh a&b 2.30

[ 4] IV. Rheinlegendchen a 3.08

[ 5] V. Der Tamboursg’sell b 5.52

[ 6] VI. Der Schildwache Nachtlied a&b 6.21

[ 7] VII. Wer hat dies Liedlein erdacht? b 2.01

[ 8] VIII. Lob des hohen Verstandes a 2.49

[ 9] IX. Des Antonius von Padua Fischpredigt b 4.01

[10] X. Lied des Verfolgten im Turm a&b 3.44

[11] XI Trost im Unglück a&b 2.13

[12] XII. Wo die schönen Trompeten blasen a&b 7.32

Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, soprano a ▪ Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, baritone b

London Symphony Orchestra

conducted by George Szell

Recorded: 8 & 9.III.1968, Kingsway Hall, London

Producer: Walter Legge

Balance engineer: Christopher Parker

(P) 1968 EMI Records Ltd. STEREO/ADD

Digital remastering (P) 2000 by EMI Records Ltd.

Symphony No. 8 in E flat major (1906-7) “Symphony of a Thousand”

Part 1 – Hymnus: Veni, creator spiritus

Allegro spirituoso

[13] Veni, creator spiritus 1.26

[14] Imple superna gratia 4.21

[15] Infirma nostril corporis 6.37

[16] Accende lumen sensibus 4.33

[17] Veni, creator spiritus 5.09

[18] Gloria, Patri Domino 2.30

This compilation (P) 2010 by EMI Records Ltd. © EMI Records Ltd. 2010

TOTAL DURATION (approx) 75.00

CD 12

Symphony No. 8 in E flat major (1906-7) “Symphony of a Thousand”

Part 2 – Final scene from “Faust” (Goethe)

Poco adagio:

[ 1] Waldung sie schwankt heran 14.31

[ 2] Ewiger Wonnebrand 1.28

[ 3] Wie Felsenabgrund mir zu Fußen 4.22

Allegro deciso:

[ 4] Gerettet ist das edle Glied 3.22

[ 5] Uns bleibt ein Erdenrest 2.21

[ 6] Hier ist die Aussicht frei 0.38

[ 7] Höchste Herrscherin der Welt 4.11

Äußerst langsam, Adagissimo

[ 8] Dir, der Unberührbaren 3.55

[ 9] Bei der Liebe, die den Füßen 5.32

[10] Neige, neige, du Ohnegleiche 5.55

[11] Blicket auf zum Retterblick 5.51

[12] Alles Vergängliche 5.48

Elizabeth Connell, soprano I (Magna Peccatrix)

Edith Wiens, soprano II (Una Poenitentium)

Felicity Lott, soprano III (Mater Gloriosa)

Trudeliese Schmidt, contralto I (Mulier Samaitana)

Nadine Denize, contralto II (Maria Aegyptiaca)

Richard Versalle, tenor (Doctor Marianus)

Jorma Hynninen, baritone (Pater Ecstaticus)

Hans Sotin, bass (Pater Profundus)

Tiffin School Boys’ Choir (chorus master: Neville Creed)

London Philharmonia Choir (chorus master: Richard Cooke)

(Language Coach: Hilde Beal)

David Hill, organ

London Philharmonic Orchestra

conducted by Klaus Tennstedt

Recorded: 20 – 24.IV.1986, Walthamstow Town Hall, London

& 8 – 10.X.1986, Westminster Cathedral, London

Producer: John Fraser & James Mallinson

Balance engineer: John Kurlander & Tony Faulkner

(P) 1987 EMI Records Ltd. STEREO/DDD

CD 13

Das Lied von der Erde (from “Die chinesiche Flöte” (Bethge) (1907-9)

[ 1] Das Trinklied vom Jammer der Erde b 8.07

[ 2] Der Einsame im Herbst a 10.11

[ 3] Von der Jugend b 3.43

[ 4] Von der Schönheit a 7.47

[ 5] Der Trunkene im Frühling b 4.44

[ 6] Der Abschied a 29.33

Christa Ludwig, contralto a

Frtiz Wunderlich, tenor b

Philharmonia Orchestra ▪ New Philharmonia Orchestra

conducted by Otto Klemperer

Recorded: 19 – 22.II.1964, Kingsway Hall, London,

7 & 8.XI.1964 and 6 – 9.VII.1966, No. 1, Abbey Road Studios, London

Producer: Walter Legge & Peter Andry

Balance engineer: Douglas Larter & Robert Gooch

(P) 1967 EMI Records Ltd. STEREO/ADD

Digital remastering (P) 1998 by EMI Records Ltd.

CD 14

Symphony No. 9 in D major (1908-9)

[ 1] I. Andante comodo 26.46

[ 2] II. Im Tempo eines gemächlichen Ländlers

(Etwas täppisch und sehr derb) 14.51

[ 3] III. Rondo-Burleske: Allegro assai. Sehr trotzig 13.34

[ 4] IV. Adagio (Sehr langsam; molto adagio) 23.01

Berliner Philharmoniker

conducted by Sir John Barbirolli

Recorded: 10, 11, 14 & 18.I.1964, Jesus-Christus-Kirche, Berlin-Dahlem

Producer: Ronald Kinloch Anderson

Balance engineer: Ernst Rothe

(P) 1964 EMI Records Ltd. STEREO/ADD

Digital remastering (P) 2002 by EMI Records Ltd.

CD 15

Symphony No. 10 in F sharp minor (1910)

A performing version of Mahler’s draft, prepared by Deryck Cooke, in collaboration

with Berthold Goldschmidt, Colin Matthews and David Matthews

[ 1] I. Adagio 25.14

[ 2] II. Scherzo 11.24

[ 3] III. Purgatorio: Allegretto moderato 3.55

[ 4] IV. [Scherzo] 12.06

[ 5] V. Finale 24.47

Berliner Philharmoniker

conducted by Sir Simon Rattle

Recorded LIVE: 24 & 25.IX.1999, Philharmonie, Berlin

Producer: Stephen Johns

Balance engineer: Mike Clements

Asssitant Engineers: Graham Kirkby & Andy Beer

(P) 2000 EMI Records Ltd. STEREO/DDD


5 Rückert-Lieder (1901-2)

[ 1] Blicke mir nicht in die Lieder! 1.19

[ 2] Ich atmet’ einen linden Duft! 2.54

[ 3] Liebst du um Schönheit 2.27

[ 4] Um Mitternacht 6.34

[ 5] Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen 6.48

Thomas Hampson, baritone

Wolfram Rieger, piano

Recorded: 19 – 21.III.1996, No. 1, Abbey Road Studios, London

Producer: John Fraser

Balance engineer: John Kurlander

(P) 1997 EMI Records Ltd. STEREO/DDD

Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen (Rückert)

[ 6] 5 66981 2 [15] 6.51

Janet Baker, mezzo-soprano

Hallé Orchestra

conducted by Sir John Barbirolli

Recorded: 4.V.1967, No. 1, Abbey Road Studios, London

Producer: Ronald Kinloch Anderson

Balance engineer: Neville Boyling

(P) 1968 EMI Records Ltd. STEREO/ADD

Digital remastering (P) 1999 by EMI Records Ltd.

[ 7] 6.43

Christa Ludwig, mezzo-soprano

Gerald Moore, piano

Recorded: 1, 11, 13, 14, 17 & 20.XI.1957, No. 1, Abbey Road Studios, London

Producer: Walter Legge

Balance engineer: Christopher Parker & Robert Gooch

(P) 1959 EMI Records Ltd. STEREO/ADD

Digital remastering (P) 2010 by EMI Records Ltd.

[ 8] 6.32

Christa Ludwig, mezzo-soprano

Philharmonia Orchestra

conducted by Otto Klemperer

Recorded: 17 – 19.II.1964, Kingsway Hall, London

Producer: Walter Legge

Balance engineer: Douglas Larter

(P) 1967 EMI Records Ltd. STEREO/ADD

Digital remastering (P) 1988 by EMI Records Ltd.

[ 9] 7.23

Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, baritone

Daniel Barenboim, piano

Recorded: 5 – 10.II.1978, Siemensvilla, Berlin

Producer: Suvi Raj Grubb

Balance engineer: Johann-Nikolaus Matthes & Michael Sheady

(P) 1980 EMI Records Ltd. STEREO/ADD

Digital remastering (P) 2005 by EMI Records Ltd.

Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen (Rückert)

[10] 7 49943 2 [11] 6.46

Thomas Allen, baritone

English Chamber Orchestra

conducted by Jeffrey Tate

Recorded: 16 & 17.V.1988 and 16.X.1989, No. 1, Abbey Road Studios, London

Producer: David Groves

Balance engineer: Mark Vigars

(P) 1991 EMI Records Ltd. STEREO/DDD

[11] 4 76797 2 [11] 6.44

Brigitte Fassbaender, mezzo-soprano

Irwin Gage, piano

Recorded: 24 – 26.X.1979 & 11 – 14.III.1980, Gemeindehaus, Berlin-Zehlendorf

Producer: Christfried Bickenbach

Balance engineer: Wolfgang Gülich

(P) 1981 EMI Music Germany STEREO/ADD

Digital remastering (P) 2005 by EMI Music Germany

[12] 5.13

Katarina Karnéus, mezzo-soprano

Roger Vignoles, piano

Recorded: 7 – 9.VII.1998, St. Michael’s Church, Highgate, London

Producer: Simon Kiln

Balance engineer: Arne Akselberg

(P) 1999 EMI Records Ltd. STEREO/DDD

Urlicht (Symphony No. 2, IV) (Des Knaben Wunderhorn)

[13] 4.46

Alice Coote, mezzo-soprano

Julius Drake, piano

Recorded: 19 – 21.XII.2002, Potton Hall, Suffolk

Producer: Simon Kiln

Balance engineer: Jonathan Allen

(P) 2003 EMI Records Ltd. STEREO/DDD

This compilation (P) 2010 by EMI Records Ltd. © EMI Records Ltd. 2010

TOTAL DURATION (approx) 72.00

Формат 16 CD
Производство Импортное
Год выпуска 2010
Жанр Classical
Исполнитель Sotin Hans / Baker Janet / Tear Robert / Price Margaret / Vignoles Roger / Moore Gerald / Fischer-Dieskau Dietrich / Barenboim Daniel / Connell Elizabeth / Allen Thomas / Wiens Edith / Lott Felicity / Schwarzkopf Elisabeth / Ferrier Kathleen / Drake Julius / Bostridge Ian / Ludwig Christa / Wunderlich Fritz / Fassbaender Brigitte / Gage Irwin / Remmert Birgit / Döse Helena / Rea Sean / Rössel-Majdan Hilde / Hynninen Jorma / Versalle Richard / Schmidt Trudeliese / Coote Alice / Karnéus Katarina / Pappano Antonio
Фирма EMI Classics / Warner Music Group
Рейтинг # 19327
Ограничение 18+Лицам до 18 лет просмотр и прослушивание не разрешены
Длительность 18 часов 57 минут
Артикул LM-3838190
Состояние ✔ Новое ✔ Запечатанное
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11449 р. 12720 р.
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